The present site is edited and managed by Cohaerens, simplified joint stock company with a capital of 40 000 registered 844 578 021 RCS Paris, identified with SIRET number 844 578 021 000 17, NAF code 7022Z and intra community VAT number FR 82 844578021.
Headquarters: 5, rue Elisa Lemonnier, 75012 Paris, France. Subsidiary establishment (by appointment): L'Atelier Cohaerens, 199, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75011 Paris, France.
Cohaerens is a training institution registered with the Prefect of the Ile-de-France Region under number 11755852075 and Qualiopi certified regarding its training activities.
Educational referent: Christophe Lécuyer
Disabled persons referent: Christophe Lécuyer
Data Protection Officer: Rémy-Michel Trotier
The content of the site, and notably the quoted brands, are the property of Cohaerens and/or of their respective owners. Any use or any total or partial reproduction of the content appearing on the site without the express and written authorisation of Cohaerens are prohibited.
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Last update : September 14th, 2023